TSU Extension Article
Watch out for Putnam Scale Diaspidiotus ancylus
Alfred Daniel J, Muhammad Ahmed, Karla M. Addesso
TSU Extension Article
Biological Control of Japanese Maple Scale Lopholeucaspis japonica
Alfred Daniel J and Karla M. Addesso
Journal of Insect Science
New records of three parasitoids, Pteroptrix chinensis, Aphytis hispanicus, and Marlattiella prima (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) associated with an exotic scale, Lopholeucaspis japonica (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) inTennessee
Alfred Daniel J, James B. Woolley, Karla M. Addesso
Tennessee Green Times
Biological Control In Nursery
Alfred Daniel J, Kripa Dhakal, Karla M. Addesso
Contrasting responses to aridity by different-sized decomposers cause similar decomposition rates across a precipitation gradient
Viraj Torsekar, Nevo Sagi, Alfred Daniel J, Yael Hawlena, Efrat Gavish-Regev,
Dror Hawlena
Journal of Environmental
Arthropod removal in wheat fields enhanced yields regardless of natural habitat patch proximity
Lital Ozeri, Guy Rotem, Alfred Daniel J, Tomer Karni, Ofer Ovadia and Yaron Ziv

Biological Invasions
Parasitoid development and superparasitism in invasive versus native widow spider host egg sacs
Alfred Daniel J, Valeria Arabesky, Tamir Rozenberg, Yael Lubin, Michal Segoli, Monica A. Mowery
Journal of Hymenoptera
Notes on the parasitoids found within the nests of Delta dimidiatipenne
(Hymenoptera, Vespidae)
Alfred Daniel Johnson, Tamir Rozenberg, Michal Segoli
Animal Behavior
Nest provisioning with parasitized caterpillars by female potter wasps: costs and potential mechanisms
Sarah Leduc, Tamir Rosenberg, Alfred Daniel J , Michal Segoli
Current Science
Fauna associated with wheat cultivation in high altitudes of the Nilgiris, India
J. Berliner, J. Alfred-Daniel, Balaji Rajkumar

Current Science
Pollinating and Non pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea from Ficus elastica, the living root bridge tree form Meghalaya in northeastern India.
Alfred Daniel J, Lucy B. Nongbri and Renee Borges
Journal of Insect Biodiversity
First record of two interesting genera of hover flies
(Diptera: Syrphidae) in South India.
Alfred Daniel J Sankararaman, H. and Gerard Pennards
Far Eastern Entomologist
A New Species of the genus Prosevania Kieffer, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Evanioida) from India
Alfred Daniel J, Rameshkumar, A. and Sarfrazual Islam Kazmi
Journal of Biological Control
Ichneumonid fauna associated with rice ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, India.
Alfred Daniel J, K. Ramaraju, K Sudheer and K Vishnu
Comparative studies of mymarid diversity from three different zones of paddy ecosystem
in Tamil Nadu, India
Alfred Daniel J, Ramaraju, K and Ramesh Kumar,

Indian Journal of Entomology
Influence of weather on the parasitoid catches in three rice growing agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu.
Alfred Daniel J, Ramaraju, K., Kumar, S.M., Jeyaprakash, P. and Chitra, N
Indian Journal of Entomology
On a collection of Braconidae from three rice growing zones of Tamil Nadu
Alfred Daniel J K.Ramaraju and A.P. Renjith
Journal of Threatened Taxa
Diversity of Parasitic Hymenopterans in three rice growing tracts of Tamil Nadu
Alfred Daniel J and K. Ramaraju
Journal of Biological Control
A study on five sampling methods of parasitic hymenopterans in rice ecosystem.
Alfred Daniel J, and K. Ramaraju
Dissipation of Profenofos in/on Tea Leaves
Alfred Daniel J and K Ramaraju
Pesticide Research Journal