Hemiptera (from Ancient Greek hemipterus 'half-winged') is an order of insects, commonly called true bugs, comprising over 95,000 species within groups such as the cicadas, aphids, plant hoppers, leafhoppers, assassin bugs, bed bugs, and shield bugs. They share a common arrangement of piercing-sucking mouthparts. Unfortunately there is an increasing tendency to call any insect a ‘bug’, so the term ‘true bug’ has to be used to signify a hemipteran.
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TN India
The term Auchenorrhyncha refers to a group of insects within the Hemiptera (true bugs) that includes the leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), planthoppers (Delphacidae, Cixiidae, Tettigometridae and Issidae), froghoppers (Aphrophoridae and Cercopidae), treehoppers (Membracidae) and cicadas (Cicadidae). They are found in a wide range of habitats and can be very numerous in some of them, for example grasslands.
The Auchenorrhyncha are distinguished from other Hemiptera by having a uniform forewing structure that is either membranous or hardened but never divided into two sections as in the Heteroptera, mouthparts that emanate from the base of the head, three tarsal segments (compared to one or two segments in aphids and related groups) and three antennal segments. They feed exclusively on plant sap which they extract with their sucking mouthparts
IFO: Cicadomorpha; SF: Cercopoidea; F: Cercopidae (Froghoppers)
IFO: Cicadomorpha; SF: Cicadoidea; F: Cicadidae (Cicadas)
IFO: Cicadomorpha; SF: Membracoidea; F: Cicadellidae (Leaf hoppers)
IFO: Cicadomorpha; SF: Membracoidea; F: Membracidae (Tree hoppers)
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea; Delphacoidea, F:Cixiidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F:Derbidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F:Dictyopharidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F:Eurybrachidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F:Flatidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F: Fulgoridae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F: Ricaniidae
IFO: Fulgoromorpha; SF: Fulgoroidea, F:Lophopidae, Meenoplida, Tropiduchidae